Pre-formulation strategies and Pharmaceutical incompatibilities (2 hrs Lecture+2 hrs Practical)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course is built to confer an adequate background of pre-formulation strategies, polymorphism, and in vitro drug interactions ensuring product safety and dosing accuracy. Concepts of formulation testing and pilot manufacturing are discussed. Exercises of increasing difficulty are used to train the students to recognize and plan for potential problems pertaining to the appearance, stability, or performance of a given formulation.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Define pre-formulation and the main parameters affected by the possible interactions with the various dosage form components. a.2. Recognize the various parameters as dissolution rate, polymorphic form, crystal size, shape and habit which will affect drug physical and chemical stability. a.3. Identify the phenomena of polymorphism with an emphasis on its effect on drug safety and dosing accuracy. a.4. List the various types of excipients and additives used in the preparation of various dosage forms, the possible interactions with drugs and their effect on dosage form dissolution and stability. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Examine the methods that could be applied for determining the drug physical and chemical stability. b.2. Differentiate between the types of excipients and additives used in the preparation of various dosage forms. b.3. Analyze laws related to the dissolution and stability of dosage forms c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Separate different polymorphic forms of the drug and method of testing each. c.2. Detect various types of incompatibilities during the development of different pharmaceutical preparations d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Communicate effectively during interactive modules. d.2. Develop skills of self-learning using textbooks and journal articles.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction to preformulation (Lecture) Preformulation and the main parameters affected- Detection of flow rate, particle size and shape (Practical)
2Preformulation and the main paramet affected (Particle size, shape and flow rate) (Lecture) Parameters affected the main parameters affected- Detection of dissolution rate (Practical)
3Preformulation and the main parameters affected (Dissolution rate and intrinsic dissolution of the drug) (Lecture) Intrinsic drug dissolution rate and its importance (Practical)
4Physical forms: Crystalline materials (Lecture) Physical forms – Crystalline materials (Unit cell and crystal habit) (Practical)
5Crystalline solid: Unit cell and crystal habits (Lecture) Physical forms – Crystalline materials (Unit cell and crystal habit) (Practical)
6Polymorphism (Lecture) Parameters affected: different polymorphic forms (Practical)
7Polymorphism and its effect on drug safety and dose accuracy (Lecture) Polymorphism and its effect on drug bioavailabity (Practical)
8Polymorphism and its effect on drug safety and dose accuracy (2) (Lecture) Detection of different polymorphic forms and the optimium physical form selection (Practical)
9Techniques used in different polymorphic forms detection (Lecture) Physical forms – Amorphous materials (Practical)
10Physical forms: Amorphous materials - Methods of detection of Amorphous content (Lecture) Detection of amorphic content (Practical)
11Stability studies (Lecture) Stability studies (Practical)
12Mechanisms of in-vitro drug interactions (Lecture) Drug – excipient interactions (Practical)
13Mechanisms of in-vitro drug interaction (2) (Lecture) Drug – excipient interactions (1) (Practical)
14Examples of in-vitro drug interactions (Lecture) Compatibility studies (Practical)
15Compatibility studies (Lecture) Compatibility studies (2) (Practical)

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