Basic Principles of Medicinal chemistry (2 hrs Lecture+2 hrs Practical)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course is a part of Biomolecule Activity Cluster. It elaborates on the fundamentals of medicinal chemistry. An introduction to physiochemical properties of drugs relative to their biological effects is provided where the students are exposed to concepts of structure-activity relationships and drug-receptor interactions. The process of drug discovery and development is highlighted and a quick review of modern screening and modelling operations is offered. The course helps students to acquire adequate comprehension of potential drug instabilities, chemical interactions and incompatibilities, and possible routes of metabolism.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Describe different of physicochemical properties on drugs. a.2. Explain the effect of physicochemical properties on drugs absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of the drug. a.3. Explain drug-receptor interactions and methods for optimization of these interactions. a.4. Explain structure activity relationship of drugs. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Compare different optimization strategies of physicochemical properties including the use of physicochemical descriptors. b.2. Analyze medicinal chemistry articles containing absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination data. c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Handle different organic compounds according to the encountered hazards. c.2. Apply standard laboratory skills and techniques required to design and synthesize different organic compounds. c.3. Familiarize students to drug design software and its applications. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Manage time properly. d.2. Adopt self-learning, online computer searches and internet communication. d.3. Use properly and safely new tools and equipment in the laboratories. d.4. Evaluate the results obtained from the practical work. d.5. Develop decision making skills to deal with different problems.


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15Basic Principles of Medicinal Chemistry

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