Introduction to medicinal plants (2 hrs Lecture+ 2 hrs Practical)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course is part of the Biological Sciences Cluster I. This course introduces the students to the basis of use of therapies of herbal and natural origin. The concepts of official medicinal plants, herbal monographs will be discussed. The student will be provided with an overview of basic methods for identification, preparation, and uses of commonly used supplements of natural origin. The evidence based and traditional uses of significant examples of different organs of the plant (leaves, flowers, barks, woods and seeds) will be the main core of the course.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Recognize plant cell structure and the different plant cell contents. a.2. Recognize the different systems of nomenclature and authentication of medicinal plants a.3. Identify medicinal plants in the whole state and in powdered condition. a.4. Describe the macro- and microscopical characters of the medicinal barks, galls, woods, flowers and seeds. a.5. List the major active constituents in the medicinal plants under study and discuss their clinical uses. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Distinguish the different types of medicinal plant monographs. b.2. Distinguish official and unofficial medicinal plants. b.3. Distinguish the traditional and evidence-based uses of some medicinal plants. c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Detect genuine, adulterated and exhausted drugs by different identity tests. c.2. Apply microscopic examination for identification of certain medicinal plants. c.3. Detect the active constituents of the different studied drugs by means of chemical tests. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Develop skills of independent learning as tested by writing an in-depth assignment concerning herbal remedies. d.2. Communicate with others in teamwork during preparation of projects. d.3. Manage time properly during written essay type exams and timed multiple-choice questions.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Plant cell structure, plant cell contents (primary metabolites)(lecture) The use of microscope, microscopic examination of starch.(practical)
2Plant cell contents (secondary metabolites) (lecture) Medicinal plant morphology (practical)
3Definition and nomenclature of medicinal plants, identification of medicinal plants (Morphology)(lecture) Medicinal plant morphology (continued)(practical)
4Identification of medicinal plants (Microscopic and chemical methods)(lecture) Medicinal plant anatomy (practical)
5Medicinal plant monograph, medicinal plant adulteration (lecture) Medicinal plant anatomy (continued)(practical)
6Introduction to medicinal leaves, Senna, Buchu (lecture) Chemical identification of medicinal plants cell contents.(practical)
7Medicinal leaves (continued), Jaborandi, Uva ursi, eucalyptus (lecture) Medicinal leaves, Senna, Buchu, squill (practical)
8Medicinal leaves (digitalis, squill, khat, nicotiana, ginkgo)(lecture) Medicinal leaves (continued), Jaborandi, Uva ursi, eucalyptus and digitalis (practical)
9Introduction to medicinal flowers, German chamomile, Pyrethrum, Arnica, fever few, saffron, safflower. (lecture) Medicinal Flowers (German chamomile, Pyrethrum, saffron, safflower) (practical)
10Medicinal flowers (clove, lavender, tilia, hibiscus, primula, St. John’s wort) (lecture) Medicinal Flowers, clove, tilia, hibiscus, lavender and arnica (practical)
11Medicinal barks (cinchona, cinnamon, willow, cascara, Frangula, pomegranate). (lecture) Medicinal barks (Cascara and frangula) (practical)
12Introduction to medicinal woods and galls, quassia wood, Aleppo galls (lecture)Medicinal barks, woods and galls (cinchona, cinnamon, quassia wood and Aleppo galls) (practical)
13Introduction to medicinal seeds, linseed, cardamom. (lecture) Medicinal Seeds (Linseed, cardamom, psyllium)(practical)
14Medicinal seeds (continued), psyllium, nux vomica, strophanthus(lecture) Medicinal Seeds (Strophanthus, nux vomica)(pratical)
15Medicinal seeds (continued), pumpkin, nutmeg and castor (lecture) Medicinal Seeds (castor and nutmeg) (practical)

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