Introduction to Pharmacy (1 hr Lecture)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course introduces the student to the different basic scientific disciplines involved in the study of pharmacy. Weekly lectures provide an overview of the contribution of the various basic sciences together with their role, position, and importance during the educational process and ultimately in practice. Students are provided with an orientation as to the planned learning objectives in addition to the ideal outcome of study of each of the basic science subject matters together with the compendial resources widely used in pharmacy. Powder technology and pharmaceutical packaging technology will also be discussed.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Define drug, medicine, dosage form in order to understand the different basic scientific disciplines involved in the study of pharmacy. a.2. List the various compendia resources e.g. USP, NF, FDA that control the standards of API. a.3. List the various properties of powders and their relevance in the manufacture of various dosage forms. a.4. State the properties of packaging materials used in the pharmaceutical industry. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Classify the different basic scientific disciplines involved in the study of pharmacy. b.2. Compare between the various compendia resources that control the standards of API. b.3. Predict the methods and techniques that could be applied to improve the powder flowability. b.4. Differentiate between the types of packaging materials and the suitability of each type to various dosage forms. c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Consider the difference between a drug, medicine and dosage form. c.2. Apply knowledge in searching using the various compendial resources e.g. USP- NF, FDA and WHO. c.3. Prepare essays in topics related to powder and pharmaceutical packaging technologies. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Develop skills of independent learning as tested by writing d.2. Communicate effectively with others in a teamwork d.3. Follow up new development of pharmaceutical profession and pharmaceutical industry.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction to pharmaceutics
2Basic concepts and definition of pharmaceutics
3Different basic scientific disciplines involved in the study of pharmacy (1)
4Different basic scientific disciplines involved in the study of pharmacy (2)
5Mission of Pharmacy, Role of pharmacist in society and pharmacy careers (1)
6Mission of Pharmacy, Role of pharmacist in society and pharmacy careers (2)
7Compendia resources widely used in pharmacy (1)
8Compendia resources widely used in pharmacy (2)
9Powder technology (flow properties) (1)
10Powder technology (Porosity) (2)
11Introduction to pharmaceutical packaging technology
12Categories of Pharmaceutical packaging materials
13Pharmaceutical packaging technology (metals) (1)
14Pharmaceutical packaging technology (Glass) (2)

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