Standards and ethics of professional practice and health systems ( 1 hr lecture+ 2 hr tutorial)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course introduces students to various professional and ethical standards of pharmacy practice. Through interactive sessions and case scenarios, students are encouraged to develop an accurate framework of practice based on concepts of self-regulation and accountability guided by the code of ethics. The course highlights the structure, processes and funding of the healthcare systems with an emphasis on the role of pharmacist in efficient use of resources and health promotion initiatives. Exercises encouraging self-reflection on the ideal interactions within the healthcare system are incorporated with an aim of promoting the students understanding of collaboration with other members of the healthcare team for the patients.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Outline the proper documentation ways for the activities of practice site, as well as drug filing systems according to legislation, standards and policies. a.2. Summarize the regulatory affairs, pharmacy laws and ethics of health care and pharmacy profession. a.3. Recognize the structure, processes and funding of the healthcare systems a.4. Identify red flags warranting referral b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Conclude the role of pharmacist in efficient use of resources and health promotion initiatives b.2. Analyze and appraise the results of the healthcare plan b.3. Construct the understanding and working application of the laws pertaining to pharmacy, including drug storages and drug recall and develop procedures to ensure the proper disposal of the expired products. b.5. Appraise illegal, unethical or unprofessional actions and situations in practice to take appropriate intervention c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Apply documentation for the activities of practice in compliance with legislation, standards and policies c.2. Organize the choices of different drug therapies that comply with the patient’s case. c.3. Apply the code of ethics in all situations and activities at practice site c.4. Revise licensed and legitimate sources to order stock and supplies from them d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Fulfill the proficiency in writing, presentation and communication skills and select appropriate education technique to use with patients and health professionals. d.2. Accommodate the principles of self-regulation and accept responsibility for own actions and decisions. d.3. Follow the principles of professional safety, and ethical principles in decision-making process. d.4. Fulfill the confidentiality of the patient


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15Standards and ethics of professional practice and health systems

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  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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