Orientation to pharmacy practice (1 hr Lecture)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course introduces students to various dimensions of the pharmacy profession. The evolution of pharmacy is discussed throughout history and emphasis is placed on the shifting role of the pharmacist in various aspects of drug preparation, discovery and development processes, leading up to the pharmaceutical care philosophy. Students will also be exposed to common medical and pharmaceutical terminology, routes of drug administration and different drug dosage forms.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Understand the evolution and history of pharmacy. a.2. List the basic dimensions of the pharmacy profession. a.3. Illustrate the role of the pharmacist in various steps of drug discovery, preparation of dosage forms, testing, clinical trials and development processes. a.4. Enumerate the routes of drug administration and different drug dosage forms. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Deduce the methods and techniques that could be applied in drug discovery. b.2. Differentiate between the routes of drug administration and drug dosage forms c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Distinguish problems encountered during or after the discovery, preparation of dosage forms, testing, clinical trials and their development processes. c.2. Critically evaluate the different topics related to pharmacy practice. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Develop skills of independent learning d.2. Communicate with others in teamwork d.3. Manage time properly d.4. Follow up the new development of pharmaceutical profession and pharmaceutical industry.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Dimensions of the pharmacy profession
2The evolution of pharmacy
3Pharmacy licensing & Pharmacy organizations
4Role of the pharmacist in drug preparation, discovery & development
5Role of the pharmacist in drug preparation, discovery & development (Continued)
6Medication errors & adverse drug effects
7Patient-centered approach
8Common medical and pharmaceutical terminology
9Common medical and pharmaceutical terminology (Continued)
10Routes of drug administration
11Routes of drug administration (Continued)
12Pharmacy layout
13Different drug dosage forms
14Different drug dosage forms (Continued)

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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