Phytotherapy& complementary medicine ( 2hrs lecture)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course is designed to train the students to provide adequate patient care relevant to the use of supplements of natural origin. This course also reviews “use” of commonly available herbal products, herbal mixture and marine life derived drugs in the Middle east as well as in other parts of the world. Students are guided to develop the necessary skills to acquire, evaluate, and communicate evidence based information regarding the use of natural remedies. A special emphasis will be dedicated to common side effects, contraindications and possible drug-herb and herb-herb interactions. With patient safety as the main concern, students are trained to integrate all pertinent patient information when formulating a response to any concern regarding the use of such products.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of the course students will be able to: a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Identify herb-related problems such as herb-drug interactions and adverse herb reactions a.2. Recognize social health hazards of natural drug abuse, misuse and toxic agents a.3. Explain the mechanism of interaction of herbal drugs with traditional mainstay drugs a.4. Describe the indications and side effects of various herbal remedies a.5. List the different herbal medications available in the local and international market b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Predict the outcomes of various herbal combinations. b.2. Select the suitable herbal remedy to treat certain disease condition c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Practice patient counseling when dispensing herbal OTC and prescription product d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Practice teamwork through group discussions. d.2. Develop professional skills through self-learning and retrieve up-to-date information through the access to the web and central libraries.


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Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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