Pharmacokinetics (1 hr Lecture)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course provides the student with the background information necessary to understand the different pharmacokinetic processes in the body. Particulars of different models of drug disposition in standard conditions are discussed. Interactive teaching approaches are used to impart an adequate understanding of the relevance of different pharmacokinetic parameters and their impact on drug use and monitoring.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • By the end of the course students will be able to: a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Define different pharmacokinetic parameters including: clearance, apparent volume of distribution, elimination rate constant, and elimination half-life. a.2. Recognize the various pharmacokinetic parameters that can be obtained following single and multiple intravenous and oral drug administration doses. a.3. Define the difference between high and low extraction ratio drugs. a.4. Define nonlinear Pharmacokinetics and its effect on drug clearance, half-life and dose adjustments. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Apply problem solving skills and critical thinking to reach proper pharmaceutical decisions as dose initiation or modification. b.2. Interpret plasma concentration-time profiles following administration of drugs via different administration routes. c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Gain the mathematical skills for necessary calculations of different pharmacokinetic parameters. c.2. Calculate the elimination half-life, elimination rate constant, absorption rate constant, apparent volume of distribution, and total body clearance from the plasma concentrations-time curve following administration drug using different routes of administration. c.3. Determine the fraction excreted unchanged from urinary excretion and calculate renal and hepatic clearance. c.4. Estimate the oral bioavailability of drugs from the hepatic extraction ratio. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Gain problem solving skills related to pharmacokinetic parameters estimation. d.2. Work individually to present the required tasks with effective time management skills. d.3. Develop effective communication skills.


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