Microbiology (2 hrs Lecture+2 hrs Practical)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course provides an overview of the structure and nutritional requirements of different classes of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi and viruses and their relationship with the surrounding environment. The general concepts of virulence, pathogenesis, and microbial growth and colonization will be discussed. A series of practical exercises are developed to familiarize the students with different laboratory techniques for isolation and identification of pathogens


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • By the end of the course students will be able to: a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Describe the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes as well as the different bacterial, fungal and viral structures and functions. a.2. Outline the main aspects of bacterial growth and metabolism. a.3. Explain the principles of microbial genetics including DNA replication, transcription and translation as well as types of mutations, genetic transfer and control of gene expression. a.4. Outline the general concept of normal flora and its role in the human body. a.5. List the different microbial mechanisms of pathogenicity and examples of some pathogenic bacteria. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Classify a number of microbial life forms and differentiate between the different microorganisms. b.2. Differentiate between the different types of bacteria on the bases of staining and culturing methods. b.3. Select the appropriate laboratory diagnostic methods for isolation and identification of infectious agents. b.4. Interpret results of microbiological laboratory tests. c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Perform different microscopic examination methods to identify medically important microorganisms. c.2. Apply cultivation technique to isolate the bacterial specimen into pure colonies. c.3. Apply different culture media and biochemical tests commonly used for bacterial isolation and identification. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Implement proficiency in writing, presentation and communication skills. d.2. Practice independent learning needed for continuous professional development.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction and Classification of Microorganisms.
2Structure and function of Prokaryotic cells (Part I).
3Structure and function of Prokaryotic cells (Part II).
4Microbial Growth.
5Microbial Metabolism (Part I).
6Microbial Metabolism (Part II).
7Microbial Genetics (Part I).
8Microbial Genetics (Part II).
9Microbial Genetics (Part III).
10Microbial Genetics (Part IV).
11Microbial Genetics (Part V).
12Normal Flora.
13Microbial Mechanisms of Pathogenicity and Virulence.
14Examples of Pathogenic Bacteria.
15Introduction to Virology.

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