Mathematics (1 hr Lecture+2 hrs Tutorial)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course helps the students to recognize the basic knowledge of Mathematics which aids in solving pharmaceutical problems. The course contains basic knowledge in calculus, trigonometry and logarithms.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • By the end of the course students will be able to: a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Explain different mathematical rules for trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions. a.2. Enumerate different mathematical rules for differentiation and integration b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Perform mathematical calculation with special emphasis on calculus that are necessary as foundation for pharmaceutical calculation. b.2. Calculate averages, standard deviation and standard error of data sets. b.3. Perform regression analysis on data sets. b.4. Find the derivatives of the trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Solve mathematical equations. c.2. Apply the basic rules of differentiation and integration. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Work under stress to achieve effective time management.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Sets of real numbers and their properties
2Cartesian product – Real valued function
3Linear function – Straight line
4Exponential ad logarithmic functions
5Trigonometric functions and its properties
6Solving system of linear equations and inequalities (graphical representation)
7Rate of change and basic rules of differentiation
8Rate of change and basic rules of differentiation (cont.)
9Differentiation of exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions
10Applications of differentiation
11Basic rules of integration
12Indefinite integral
13Definite integral and its applications
14Correlation and linear regression
15Correlation and linear regression (cont.)

Markets and Career

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  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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