
CCIT Summer Training Course 2021:


Collage: Computing and Information Technology.                    
Location: South Valley Branch.


Academic Year (2022 / 2023)


1 - Statistics of student numbers (Attach a graph)


College Name

Number of Students to be Trained

Local Training Opportunities Offered

International Training opportunities

Total Training Opportunities


Actual Number of Students Trained

Training Percentage %

College of Computing and Information Technology



















































Company Name


شركة تميز للاستثمار العقاري و إدارة المشروعات


Training Period


30 Days


Number of Students trained Company




Summary of Practical Training program


Information technology Concepts:

This is a foundation Training designed with the novice in mind. This Training covers the following 9 topics at a fundamental and vendor-independent level.

Computer: BIOS/UEFI, Hardware, and Operating System

MAC, IP, Subnet, Gateway, MAC address Table, DHCP, ARP, DNS, Ports, Packets, NAT, Internet, Firewall, and Ports Forwarding

Server versus Computer DHCP, DNS, IAM, File, Web, and Application Server Roles Server

Printer: Inkjet, Laser, and Thermal printers, USB & Network Printer, Print Path - Printer Application

Virtualization: Type 1, Type 2, and Hosted VoIP: SIP & RTP Protocol, SIP Server, SIP Phone Backup & Disaster Recovery: Onsite, Offsite, and Cloud Backup

Cloud Storage: Concept and Available Options

CIA provides security. Security Triad, Computer and Network Security

Issues to Troubleshoot: Troubleshooting 101 - Best Practices



Company Name


Crystal concrete


Training Period


1 Month and half


Number of Students trained Company




Summary of Practical Training program

  • Computer: MAC, IP, Subnet, Gateway, MAC address table, DHCP, ARP, DNS, Ports, Packets, NAT, Internet, Firewall, and Port are among the network components. versus a computer while forwarding, Server Functions: Application, File, Web, DNS, IAM, and DHCP Server
  • Printer: Inkjet, Laser, and Thermal Printers, USB and Network Printer, Print Path - Application to Printer
  • Concept, Onsite, Offsite, and Cloud Backup for Backup and Disaster Recovery Concepts of virtualization, Type 1-bare metal and Type 2-hosted VoIP, SIP & RTP Protocol, SIP Server, and SIP Phone
  • Concept and accessible cloud storage alternatives
  • Security: CIA A triangle of security exists between computer and network security.
  • Basic troubleshooting: suggested practises


Pictures about Conducted Training





Company Name




Training Period


1 Month


Number of Students trained Company




Summary of Practical Training program

  • Building real world application using :-
  • Node JS
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Model View Controller (MVC)
  • Sync requests
  • Auth
  • File uploads and downloads
  • Routes and Modules
  • User input validation
  • Error Handling
  • Templating Engines


Pictures about Conducted Training





Company Name


الحلول المتكامله للمواني


Training Period


1 Month


Number of Students trained Company




Summary of Practical Training program


Java EE for ERP system


Pictures about Conducted Training

ERP : The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Training has equipped me with the ability to: Understand the strategic impact of ERP on business. Understand the significance of ERP and its relationship to organisational functions. Before selecting and implementing ERP, it is important to understand the issues and decisions that were made. Recognize ERP as a business enabler.