Clean Water and Sanitation

2020- 2021 Water Consumption

  • 2020- 2021 Water Consumption


6.2 Water Consumption

The tap water used by the university is treated by government water purification plant equipment and through extraction from ground water. Ground water is used for irrigation

6.2.1) Measure the total volume of water used in the university that is taken from mains supply, desalinated, or extracted from rivers, lakes, or aquifers

Water is being measured through flow meters installed in all AASTMT Campuses and data is recorded. Data collected includes water used in drinking, cooking, fire fighting, washing, swimming pools, irrigation and cleaning.  

6.2.2) Water consumption per person

Volume of water used in the university: Inbound (treated/extracted water):612,000m3 (partial measurement)
Number of campus population: 13,670 (partial measurement)


Water Consumption per person consumption data.pdf