5.4.1 Proportion of senior female academics

  • 5.4.1 Proportion of senior female academics

Number of Senior Academic Staff

This is a critical metric in evaluating the gender distribution among the senior echelons of academic personnel. This metric is quantified by considering the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) number of academic staff members holding senior positions within the AAST. These senior roles encompass various positions of leadership and influence. The numerical values corresponding to this metric are detailed in the following table, shedding light on the overall count of full-time equivalents in senior academic positions. This metric serves as a valuable tool for assessing gender equity and representation at the senior levels of academia, providing a quantitative insight into the proportion of women in influential roles within the university setting.

Number of Female Senior Academic Staff

This is a critical metric providing insights into gender representation within senior academic ranks. This measure is derived by considering the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) number of female academic staff members holding senior positions within the university. These senior roles typically include professorships, leadership positions, and other influential roles in academia. The specific data corresponding to this metric is conveniently organized and available in the accompanying table. By quantifying the FTE of senior female academics, this metric serves as a valuable tool for assessing gender diversity and inclusivity within the higher education institution, offering a quantitative perspective on the representation of women in senior academic roles.​​​​​​​