- الدرجة العلمية بكالوريوس
- مجال التعليم: الدراسات الادارية و التجارية
- المده: 8 فصول
- عدد الساعات المعتمدة: 360.00
With Academic direction from the globally renowned London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) this degree enables students of various backgrounds to earn a world-class degree without relocating. LSE is also ranked 3rd in the world in the disciplines provided. The BSc in Finance helps students understand the structure and functioning of financial markets and the way in which financial intermediaries and institutions operate. Learn about the pricing of financial assets and why and how corporations choose and issue various types of assets.
This prestigious University of London Degree follows a British Credit Hour (BCH) System, where each course is a full a year instead of a semester, for each course. The Degree consists of 12 courses that are 30 credit hours each..
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