اقتصاديات الأعمال الرقمية والمستدامة

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وصف البرنامج

The "Digital & Sustainable Business Economics" major offers a comprehensive education that provides students with a range of skill sets, including data analytics, economic analysis, and digital marketing. Graduates of this program will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to lead innovative businesses into the future. Furthermore, our program offers seven minors in addition to the "Digital & Sustainable Business Economics" major. This allows for even greater specialization and a more tailored educational experience for our students. Overall, our program provides a unique and valuable opportunity for those interested in pursuing a career in the intersection of business and technology, with an emphasis on sustainability.

نتائج التعلم

  • Graduates of the Business Administration in the major of “Digital & Sustainable Business Economics” are expected to acquire a range of competencies at different levels. In addition to the general knowledge that a graduate of the College of Management and technology should acquire, the graduate should acquire the following knowledge and concepts 1. The use of the scientific method in solving problems and making decisions at different managerial levels for different types of organizations. 2. The basis for preparing plans, programs and policies in accordance with the requirements of each organization. 3. The basis for preparing marketing feasibility studies and evaluating investment proposals. 4. The basics of designing organizational structures, systems and administrative work guides for activities in different institutions. 5. Applying modern management philosophies and exploring opportunities for their application in various fields of work .


Candidates for bachelor’s degree of Business Administration (B.SC.) in Digital & Sustainable Business Economics program will join a four-year study program (8 semesters, 144 Cr. Hrs.). At the beginning of the 4th term, students decide on two main elective courses. As well, at the beginning of the 5th term, students decide on one of the Seven Minors. In this program, students will explore business economics as a field of applied economics that utilizes economic theory and quantitative methods to analyze business operations. With a focus on digital and sustainable practices, students will gain a unique insight into the intersection of business and technology, while also understanding the importance of sustainable practices in today's world..

رمز العنوان المتطلبات الأساسي
BDE1101 Economics I None
BDE1102 Data Analytics I None
BDE1103 Fundamentals of Business Economics None
BMK1101 Management & Organization I None
BAC1101 Accounting I None
رمز العنوان المتطلبات الأساسي
UNR1103 . None
BDE1104 Economics II None
BMK1102 Management & Organization II None
BFN1101 Finance I None
BDE1105 Data Analytics II None
BAC1102 Accounting II None

الأسواق والمهن

  • Below is a sample list of some career opportunities of graduates from this degree program: Business analyst especially in the following business fields; -Tourism -Healthcare -Smart cities management -Petroleum and mineral resources -Renewable Energy -Smart Transportation -Economic diplomats -Trade delegates -Public sector professionals -Brand Strategist -Business Ethics Consultant -Business Media Correspondent Business Planner -Commodity Trader -Corporate Consultant -Corporate Manager -Economist -Entrepreneur -Executive Assistant -Financial Advisor -Financial Analyst -Fund Manager -Industry Analyst -Market Researcher -Political Advisor -Project Manager -Public Policy Analyst -Risk Analyst.

متطلبات القبول

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الاختبارات والمتطلبات

البيانات سوف تكون متاحة قريبا !



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