ICT Skills

  • قسم هندسة الحاسب الالى |
  • Arabic


urse Description/Outcomes Students will learn the following 1-Introduction on Computer Applications, ICT Skills and impact of ICT on various community services, marketplace, educations and other sectors. 2-Digital Transformation and Information Technology at the edge of 4th Industrial Revolution and Ethics of Technology. 3-New Technologies on computer-based aided-design and Computer-based Design Tools 4-Data presentation, processing, Big Data Volumes, new technology for data storage handling and principles of Artificial intelligence 5-HTML Basics -Learn Web Development and Web-Search 6-Web-site Building Fundamentals and Web-site Building Tools. 7-Excel Spread Sheets, Formulas, statistics & Charts and generative sheets. 8-Creating generative forms, GUIs Graphical user interfaces. 9- Creating Database Files and GUIs links with Database handling Tools 10- Computer Drawing and graphical Design Tools. 11-Graphics visual representation, Computer software tools, Presentation skills. 12- Fundamentals of Mobile Applications, needs, and application case-studies. 13-Mobile App development Tools, building blocks and creating Mobile GUIs.


بكالوريوس هندسة الحاسب آلى


  • troducing students with Computer Applications, ICT Skills and impact of ICT on various sectors. Digital Transformation and Information Technology at the edge of 4th Industrial Revolution and Ethics of Technology. Data presentation, processing, Big Data Volumes, new technology for data storage handling and principles of Artificial intelligence in various Engineering Sectors. Learn Web-Development, websites building tools and Web-Search Skills. Creating generative forms, GUIs Graphical user interfaces. Creating Database Files and GUIs links with Database handling Tools and application case studies in various Engineering problems. Fundamentals of Mobile Applications, needs, development tools and application case studies..


The ICT Revolution", Oxford University Press.

محتوى المقرر

مسلسل المحتوى الوصف

الأسواق والمهن

  • توليد ونقل وتوزيع واستخدام الطاقة الكهربائية للقطاعين العام والخاص لتأمين الطلبات المستمرة والطارئة.
  • تغذية الطاقة الكهربائية للمرافق البحرية والجوية المدنية والعسكرية.
  • الأعمال الكهربائية في هندسة البناء.

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