History of Ancient Egypt I

  • كلية الاثار |
  • Arabic


rough knowledge and understanding, students will be able to: • Name main historical events • List kings and dynasties in chronological order • Identify broad cultural and historical processes • Read maps and identify locations Through intellectual skills, students will be able to: • Explain theoretical issues using appropriate terminology • Criticize historiographic interpretations • Analyse literary, documentary and archaeological sources in translation • Reflect upon main historical themes such as state formation, state ideology, continuity, archaism, centralization, etc. Through professional and practical skills, students will be able to: • Read maps and site plans • Understand historical sources • Carry out specific research tasks • Differentiate between different historical phases and their products Through general and transferable skills, students will be able to: • Work in a team • Deliver a public speech • Defend own ideas • Evaluate and self-evaluate presentation • Write a short essay


yptian Archaeology


  • is course aims at providing a thorough overview of Egyptian history from the prehistoric period down to the end of the Second Intermediate Period (reunification of the country by the kings of the 17-18th dynasty). Using literary, documentary, and archaeological sources the students will be able to flesh out the main points of ancient Egyptian history. The use of up-to- date academic literature will also provide insights into the main problems in the historiographic interpretation of the period, such as the transition into the Neolithic, state formation, royal ideology, the dynamics of unification and fragmentation, First Intermediate Period propagandistic texts interpretation, continuity and innovation in the Middle Kingdom, archaeological data from new excavations at Avaris, and the emergence of a new dynasty in Abydos..


• Kemp, Barry J. Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization. London and New York: Routledge, 2006: 1-244. • Lloyd, Alan B. A Companion to Ancient Egypt. Volume 1. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010: 3-100. • Shaw, Ian. Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: University Press, 2004..

محتوى المقرر

مسلسل المحتوى الوصف

الأسواق والمهن

  • توليد ونقل وتوزيع واستخدام الطاقة الكهربائية للقطاعين العام والخاص لتأمين الطلبات المستمرة والطارئة.
  • تغذية الطاقة الكهربائية للمرافق البحرية والجوية المدنية والعسكرية.
  • الأعمال الكهربائية في هندسة البناء.

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