- الدرجة العلمية بكالوريوس
- رمز: HT1044
- الساعات المعتمده: 3
- المتطلبات الأساسية: HT1043
rough knowledge and understanding, students will be able to: • Recognize the world heritage chronology • Know the different civilizations and their geographic location • Appreciate the world cultural complexity and cultural production • Analyze the evolution and demise reasons for the world cultures • Gain an overview of the World’s Archaeology Through intellectual skills, students will be able to: • Comprehend short readings about the different world civilizations • Discern what is fact from fiction of the different world cultures • Be able to conduct small research studies that can be submitted as a Wikipedia entry • Use library sources effectively • Form historical arguments and professionally debate them Through professional and practical skills, students will be able to: • Write well-researched entries for the public Be able to give a 10-minute presentation on a topic of choice in World Archaeology • Observe and write down observations in a reflective journal • Be able to debate arguments professionally Through general and transferable skills, students will be able to: • Be able to give correct information on the subject matter. • Work with colleagues on a group project or a presentation and understand team work dynamics • Discover cultures that are very different from one’s own to foster cultural diversity
yptian Archaeology
• Brummett, Palmira Johnson. 2007. Civilization Past & Present. New York: Pearson Longman. Edgar, R.R., N.J. Hackett, G.F. Jewsbury, and B. Molony. 2007. Civilizations Past and Present to 1650. Civilizations Past & Present. Pearson/Longman. • Molony, B., N.J. Hackett, P. Brummett, R. Edgar, and G.F. Jewsbury. 2005. Civilization Past and Present: From 1775 to the Present. MyHistoryLab Series. Longman Publishing..
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