Restoration and Conservation of Mural Paintings

  • كلية الاثار |
  • Arabic


rough knowledge and understanding, students will be able to: • Identify the development of the mural painting across the different historical periods • Recognize the technology of wall paintings and their supporting structures • Recognize colour and chromatography • Choose methods of examination and documentation of the archaeological mural painting • Specify deterioration factors of mural paintings • Appreciate different methods in the restoration and conservation of mural painting • Recognise the scientific methods of the museums display of mural painting • Identify the methods of archaeological storage of mural painting • Explain the most important terms in the field of conservation of mural paintings Through intellectual skills, students will be able to: • Comprehend the morphological structure of mural painting • Discern mural painting defects and their classification of technique • Discern between the types of tools used in the mural painting technology • Compare between technical specifications of mural painting used in restoration historically • Observe the aspects of mural painting deterioration due to the environmental factors • Identify the materials used for the restoration of mural painting • Discern the different methods of storage and conservation of mural painting • Use library sources effectively Through professional and practical skills, students will be able to: • Apply the scientific methods in identifying the types of mural painting • Create models of mural painting of different ages • Record the technical characteristics of the artefacts of mural painting. • Use tools on every style of technical methods for technology of mural painting. • Implement the modern scientific methods in the restoration and conservation of various mural painting • Write well-researched papers on restoration and conservation of mural paintings • Give a 10-minute presentation on a topic of a restoration and conservation of mural painting • Observe and write down notes on new techniques of the conservation of mural painting Through general and transferable skills, students will be able to: • Analyse the opinions and scientific ideas and link them • Self-learn and the collect scientific material using different means • Give accurate information on the subject matter • Use computer and modern technological means in communication, and research • Plan, organize and manage time. • Work with colleagues on a presentation and understand team work dynamics • Create, innovate and work to find alternative solutions to solve problems


terial Culture Conservation


  • is course provides students with the history of mural painting techniques, tools, equipment, and materials. The course provides students with a solid foundation of the types of methods which are used in mural painting Techniques, (tempera, fresco, encaustic painting, and mosaic). The course provides students with ample detail on the methods of examination and documentation which is used to identify the condition of the archaeological mural painting before conducting restoration and conservation plans. In addition to identifying the various deterioration factors that cause deterioration and damage of the mural painting, the course provides the students with the various restoration and conservation methods used in mural painting, from the various stages of cleaning to the museum display or archaeological storage.


Lindborg, U., Conservation of mural paintings” Stockholm. National Heritage Board. 2002.

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  • تغذية الطاقة الكهربائية للمرافق البحرية والجوية المدنية والعسكرية.
  • الأعمال الكهربائية في هندسة البناء.

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