Archaeological Illustration

  • كلية الاثار |
  • Arabic


rough knowledge and understanding, students will be able to: • Acquire the methodology and methods for archaeological documentation • Realize why is it important to draw • Become aware of the importance of the archival material • Explore different techniques for drawing Through intellectual skills, students will be able to: • Develop the critical eye for looking at objects from the various angles • Decide which tools are needed for each type of drawing • Triangulate objects through multiple drawing drafts Through professional and practical skills, students will be able to: • Produce adequate quality drawings of objects alone and in situ • Produce adequate pottery drawings • Produce adequate drawings of stratigraphy • Take proper photographs of stratigraphic layers • Take proper photographs for objects, human and animal remains • Use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator for drawing production • Use different tools for drawing in the field and the lab Through general and transferable skills, students will be able to: • Take good quality photographs • Use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator


yptian Archaeology


  • is course aims at training students on archaeological illustration in terms of stratigraphy and objects recording. The course focuses on why it is important to draw versus taking photographs for the documentation of the archaeological record. It will discuss how multiple techniques that combine drawing and technological recording produces the best results. The course will be held in the archaeology laboratory with a simulation of a stratigraphy, objects of varied sizes, fragments, and pottery sherds. A great deal of time will be spent looking at different objects (fake objects and bones) from different angles and critique how they look on photographs versus drawing, as well as appreciate the level of detail. The course will also focus on the different equipment and their multiple uses for drawing. Finally, the course will culminate with the students working the different drawings on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator preparing them for publication..


Adkins, Lesley., and Roy Adkins. Archaeological Illustration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009..

محتوى المقرر

مسلسل المحتوى الوصف

الأسواق والمهن

  • توليد ونقل وتوزيع واستخدام الطاقة الكهربائية للقطاعين العام والخاص لتأمين الطلبات المستمرة والطارئة.
  • تغذية الطاقة الكهربائية للمرافق البحرية والجوية المدنية والعسكرية.
  • الأعمال الكهربائية في هندسة البناء.

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