Provide free public access to open spaces and green spaces.
The Arab Academy of Sciences and Technology is characterized by a range of green stadiums and the presence of a healthy natural gospel that ensures the safety of the players.
Public access to green spaces on AAST Aswan Student Affairs facebook page
Public access to green spaces on AAST Aswan Student Affairs facebook page
Public access to green spaces on AASTMT webpage
Public access to green spaces on AAST Aswan Student Affairs facebook page
Video for Public access to green spaces on AASTMT-Student Affairs-Alexandria facebook page
Within the framework of community responsibility, Rotary Club Alexandria Sunrise, in cooperation with the Arab Academy for Maritime Transport, has jointly trained a number of students in various international schools in the environmental initiative.
Permanent free access to all campus grounds on Rotary in Egypt facebook group
Occasional Free Access to All Campus Grounds
Occasional Free Access to All Campus Grounds on AAST Aswan Student Affairs facebook page
Occasional Free Access to All Campus Grounds on AAST Aswan Student Affairs facebook page