Bachelor Energy and Petroleum Logistics Management

Track Description

All energy service providers, whether they are government entities or multinational corporations, require qualified and specialized professionals in the fields of logistics and supply chain management for drilling, exploration, and project management in the fields of petroleum, gas, renewable energy, and nuclear energy. Upon graduating from the Energy Logistics department, you will have the opportunity to work in energy service companies, whether renewable or non-renewable. You will be responsible for managing supply chains and logistics related to drilling, exploration, and project management in the fields of petroleum, gas, renewable energy, and nuclear energy. You will work to ensure the provision of necessary resources in an efficient and sustainable manner to maintain the highest levels of efficiency and quality in all energy-related supply chain and logistics processes.

Learning Outcomes

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Markets and Career

  • Management of supply chain activities from exploration, drilling, production, refining, transportation, and distribution. Management and planning of renewable energy projects such as solar and wind energy. Logistics for nuclear energy.

Admission Requirements

High school diploma or its equivalent.

Tests & Prerequisites

Placement Test


Egypt is expected to become one of the leading countries in gas production, which means that the Egyptian labor market will need specialists in the transportation and supply of oil and gas. This makes the management of transportation and supply for oil and gas one of the emerging and important fields in Egypt in the coming years. In this specialization, a competitive advantage has been considered for the Energy and Petroleum Logistics Management program over its counterparts in other universities in Egypt and Arab countries by integrating logistics and supply chain knowledge with energy, petroleum, and natural gas management..

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