Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Information Systems |
  • English


This course covers the organization of data and algorithms that act upon them. The topics of linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs as well as hashing are introduced. Algorithms manipulating data structure, like searching and sorting, memory allocation and file management are included. The concept of abstract data types is also introduced.


Information Systems (2021)


  • 1. Understand the difference between static and dynamic data types.
    2. Understand the concept of pointers & dynamic memory allocation.
    3. Acquire practical programming experience using dynamic structures
    4. Analyze the organizations of proposed data structures and how to use them efficiently.
    5. Apply the acquired knowledge in many practical applications like database, network, compiler and others.
    6. Demonstrate the ability to design abstract data types using various data structures


Noel Kalicharan, Data Structures in C, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform

Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction to Data Structures
2Linked Lists
3Doubly and Circular Linked Lists
6Applications of Stacks and Queues
77th Week Exam
8Trees Representation
9Binary Search Trees
10Applications of Binary Trees
11Graph Representation
1212th Week Exam
13Graph Algorithms
16Final Exam

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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