Computer Graphics

  • Computer Engineering |
  • English


Introduction, history and survey of graphics applications. Overview of graphics systems and output devices. Output primitives including points, lines, circles, splines, area filling, and character generation. Attributes of output primitives. Two-dimensional transformations, windowing and clipping. Interactive input methods. Introduction to three-dimensional graphics.


Computer Engineering


  • This course introduces students to the theory and practice of Interactive Computer Graphics. Its principal aim is to teach the fundamental principles of two- and three-dimensional Interactive Computer Graphics. OpenGL is used as the platform for practical C programming exercises, and as an example of a system which incorporates many of the fundamental ideas and algorithms of modern computer graphics.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Week Number 1 : Introduction, history and survey of computer graphics applications.
2Week Number 2 : Overview of graphics systems: raster and random scan display.
3Week Number 3 : Color models.
4Week Number 4 : Bresenham`s line drawing algorithm.
5Week Number 5 : Mid-point circle/ ellipse drawing algorithms.
6Week Number 6 : Drawing free curves: Bezier and spline technologies.
7Week Number 7 : Drawing free curves: Bezier and spline technologies (Cont.).
8Week Number 8 : 7th week Exam+ Revision.
9Week Number 9 : 2D transformations.
10Week Number 10 : 2D transformations (cont.).
11Week Number 11 : Viewing transformation.
12Week Number 12 : Line and polygon clipping algorithms.
13Week Number 13 : 12th week Exam+Revision.
14Week Number 14 : Filling Algorithms.
15Week Number 15 : Revision.
16Week Number 16 : Presentation of projects and Final Exam.

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