Database Systems

  • Computer Engineering |
  • English


The course covers topics related to relational Database analysis, design, normalization, and implementation. Case studies are discussed. Hands on implementation skills using Oracle developer. Concurrent transactions are discussed along with related problems. Distributed data bases and client server approach is revealed.


Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering


  • To develop analysis skills in the design and analysis of database systems with applications to the market and some real life problems.


Data will be available soon!

Course Content

content serial Description
1Week Number 1 : Introduction to Database systems.
2Week Number 2 : File systems Vs. Automated Systems.
3Week Number 3 : Relational Algebra.
4Week Number 4 : ERD.
5Week Number 5 : ERD, Cont`d.
6Week Number 6 : Relational Model.
7Week Number 7 : 7th week Exam.
8Week Number 8 : Normalization.
9Week Number 9 : Normalization, Cont`d.
10Week Number 10 : BCNF.
11Week Number 11 : BCNF, Cont`d.
12Week Number 12 : 12th week Exam.
13Week Number 13 : XML.
14Week Number 14 : XML, Cont`d.
15Week Number 15 : Transaction Management.
16Week Number 16 : Presentation of projects and Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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