Computer Graphics

  • Computer Science |
  • English


Introduction, history, and survey of graphics applications. Overview of graphics systems and output devices. Output primitives including points, lines, circles, splines, area filling, and character generation. Attributes of output primitives. Two–dimensional and three-dimensional transformations, windowing and clipping. Color system. Filling polygon.


Bachelor of Computer Science - 144 CRs


  • 1. Understand algorithms design.
    2. Learn line, circle, and polygon rendering algorithms.
    3. Use and code with OpenGL library.
    4. Understand the mathematics and computer graphics concepts.
    5. Apply programming skills needed to develop graphics applications.


D. Hearn, M.P. Baker, and Carithers, Computer Graphics Open Gl Version, Pearson

Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction, history, and survey of computer graphics applications
2Overview of graphics systems: raster and random scan display
3DDA line drawing algorithm
4Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
5Mid-point circle/ ellipse drawing algorithms
6Drawing free curves: Bezier and spline technologies
77th Week Exam
82D transformations- part I
92D transformations- part II
10Viewing transformation
11Color models
1212th Week Exam
13Filling Algorithms
16Final Exam

Markets and Career

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  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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