- Degree Bachelor
- Code: CCS3501
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: CCS2401, EBA2204
This course gives students an introduction, history, and survey of computer graphics and applications. Graphics systems and output devices are covered, as well as output primitives and algorithms including points, lines, circles, splines, area filling, and character generation. Moreover, algorithms for two–dimensional and three-dimensional transformations, windowing and clipping are discussed, in addition to color system and polygon filling.
Computer Science bachelor`s degree Program
D. Hearn, M.P. Baker, and Carithers, Computer Graphics Open Gl Version, Pearson
content serial | Description |
1 | Introduction, history, and survey of computer graphics applications |
2 | Overview of graphics systems: raster and random scan display |
3 | DDA line drawing algorithm |
4 | Bresenham's line drawing algorithm |
5 | Mid-point circle/ ellipse drawing algorithms |
6 | Drawing free curves: Bezier and spline technologies |
7 | 2D transformations part 1 |
8 | 2D transformations part 2 |
9 | Viewing transformation part 1 |
10 | Viewing transformation part 2 |
11 | Color models |
12 | Projects and Presentations |
13 | Filling Algorithms part 1 |
14 | Filling Algorithms part 2 |
15 | Animation |
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