Numerical Methods

  • Computer Science |
  • English


This course provides an introduction to numerical methods and their applications to solve science and engineering problems. In addition, convergence and error analysis of numerical methods is covered. In addition, practical experience with implementing numerical methods and assessing resulting errors will be acquired through a number of programming assignments.


Computer Science - 132 CRs


  • - Understand numerical methods and errors of computers.
    - Analyze errors and error propagation.
    - Compute roots of equations of one variable Solve a system of Linear equations.
    - Apply numerical differentiation.
    - Apply numerical integration, Use interpolation.
    - Use regression.


Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers with Software and Programming Applications, McGraw Hill.

Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction to UX+ UX and Software Engineering +UX Life cycle
2Contextual Inquiry + Contextual Analysis
3Contextual Analysis (cont.) + UX Design and critique + Design Requirements
4Design Modeling
5Design Thinking + Conceptual Design
6Design Production + Prototyping
7Evaluation Introduction + Cognitive Walkthrough
9Design Guidelines
10Design Guidelines (cont.) + Heuristic Evaluation
11Usability Testing + Evaluation Analysis and Reporting
12Information Visualization (Colors, Icons, Text, Grouping)
13Universal Usability + Internationalization
14Sustainable Design Strategies
15Special Topics (Designing Smart Wearable Systems/ Designing Gamified Systems)

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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