Designing Human Centered Software

  • College Of Computing & Information Technology |
  • English


This course introduces quantitative models and techniques of human-computer interface analysis, design, and evaluation, which are relevant to the Software Engineering approach of software development. Contemporary Human Computer Interaction (HCI) techniques are surveyed, with a focus on when and where they are applicable in the software development process. Students will deliver usable software systems derived from an engineering approach to the application of scientific theory and modeling. Other topics may include usability evaluation planning, methods of evaluation, data analysis, social and ethical impacts of usability, economic justification, prototyping and tools.


Software Engineering bachelor`s degree Program


  • - Model a proposed system using appropriate techniques that represent the human-computer interaction from various SE-HCI perspectives with an emphasis on the user experience (UX).
    - Design a software system to maximize usability and utility, using appropriate design techniques.
    - Prepare a usability test plan, including appropriate methodology, procedures, and statistical analysis techniques.
    - Perform a usability evaluation and the subsequent data analysis with appropriate statistical techniques and tools.


Karl Wiegers and Joy Beatty, Software Requirements (Developer Best Practices), Microsoft Press.

Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction to UX+ UX and Software Engineering +UX Life cycle
2Contextual Inquiry + Contextual Analysis
3Contextual Analysis (cont.) + UX Design and critique + Design Requirements
4Design Modeling
5Design Thinking + Conceptual Design
6Design Production + Prototyping
7Evaluation Introduction + Cognitive Walkthrough
9Design Guidelines
10Design Guidelines (cont.) + Heuristic Evaluation
11Usability Testing + Evaluation Analysis and Reporting
12Information Visualization (Colors, Icons, Text, Grouping)
13Universal Usability + Internationalization
14Sustainable Design Strategies
15Special Topics (Designing Smart Wearable Systems/ Designing Gamified Systems)

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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