• Graduate School of Business |
  • English


MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS The course aims at providing learners with a solid background to understanding the mechanism of a micro business within a macroeconomic framework taking into consideration most recent trends: economic impact of Russian Ukrainian war, Coronavirus economic effects, digital transformation knowledge-based economies, supply chain disruptions & trade wars. Also, the course highlights the impact of new technologies: especially artificial intelligence & internet of things on businesses. In addition to understanding the new expected international financial system governed by US, Russia & China. The objective of this course is to present a clear, accurate & interesting introduction to the principles of Macroeconomics & Microeconomics. A solid background in such principles is necessary to give learners insight into how an economy functions & into some currently debated policy issues that affect businesses. The course enables students to read & understand economic reports, articles & case studies. The course enables learners to critically analyze different economic cases & decisions.




  • At the completion of the course, students will be able to: - Acquiring knowledge regarding the different levels of analysis in Economics. - Understanding how digital transformation affects businesses. - Understanding the key Macroeconomic indicators. - Understanding how different economic policies affect Macroeconomic stability. - Criticizing different economic policies according to case studies & reports. - Ability to analyse a micro business operating in a macro framework. - Observing ,measuring & analysing different economic indicators. - Understanding how Covid 19 changed the world economy & set new priorities.. - Analysing & predicting the effect of the Russian Ukrainian war on micro businesses & on macroeconomic indicators. - Understanding the new expected international financial system. - Gaining experience by reading & analyzing recent economic reports, cases & articles taking into consideration recent concepts & phenomena governing today`s life. - Have the ability to compare between alternatives. - Have the ability to set priorities. - Undertaking rational choices. - Adopting the logical way of thinking in economic analysis. - Have the ability to explain results - Have the ability to understand the digital transformation era (opportunities & challenges). - Adopting the economic way of thinking in decision making.


- Parkin, M. (latest edition), Economics, Pearson Education Inc, University of Western Ontario. - Hubbard R. G, O’Brien, A. P., Eid, A. G. , Anshasy, A. Economics, (Arab World edition), latest edition.

Course Content

content serial Description
1What is Economics? (Levels of analysis in Economics) taking into consideration the economic impact of Coronavirus & the new concepts & priorities that are currently governing our lives.
2The economic problem (taking into account the new trends of artificial intelligence & the internet of things).
3Addressing the green economy, sustainable development & inclusive growth
4A first look at Macroeconomics
5Cases and reports that are taking into account the new role of MNCs & the recent “Connectivity Index”.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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