Digital Media News Writing

  • College of Language and Communication |
  • English


The Intended Learning Outcomes of this course are categorized under the following four headings: 1. Knowledge and understanding 2. Intellectual skills 3. Professional and practical skills 4. General and transferable skills Throughout this course students should acquire the competencies listed under each heading as follows. 1.1 Understand the fundamentals of news gathering tools . 1.2 Identify different types of news leads . 1.3 Explain basics of news reporting and editing . 1.4 Identify basics of news writing for digital media . Establish necessary research for writing news stories . 2.1 Adapt news writing to various digital platforms. 2.2 Perform newswriting in accordance with professional standards. 2.3 Analyze and compare news of the same event in different platforms. 2.4 Develop critical thinking skills as news judgment and other. 2.5 Examine basic journalistic principles as, fairness , accuracy, and objectivity . 3.1 Write and edit professional headlines in a digital environment . 3.2 Write concise and accurate news for digital media . 3.3 Edit fluent and accurate news story . 3.4 Assess digital news sources reliability . 3.5 Practice AP style of news writing . 4.1 Acquire the skills of working solely or in team . 4.2 Utilize time effectively in editing and publishing news . 4.3 Build a personal blog and use digital media to report, and publish stories




  • This course aims to explain the fundamental steps to present a good news story in a digital environment , through a comprehend approach of how news is gathered and organized for dissemination through news media in a digital forms on deadline as basic requirement , as well as adapting writing to various platforms from magazines, blogs, newspapers, and visually driven content .


Filak. , V. (2021 ) . Dynamics of News Reporting and Writing Foundational Skills for a Digital Age . USA : sage .

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Markets and Career

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  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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