Drug information resources (1 hr lecture + 1 hr tutorial)

  • College of Pharmacy |
  • English


This course includes an advanced application of the science of drug information in terms of its practice within the drug information centers and various clinical sites. The course will focus on Drug information and poison information centers, different drug information resources, use of the internet for drug and research information, evaluating information on the web. The classification of study design and clinical trials, data presentation, and basic statistical concepts are detailed. Basics of pharmacoeconomic literature are described.


Bachelor of Pharmacy - PharmD (Clinical Pharmacy)


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Recognize the role of the pharmacist as a drug information specialist. a.2. Identify appropriate source to get certain drug information. a.3. Outline drug information monographs and its components a.4. Define primary, secondary and tertiary drug information resources a.5. Identify the systemic approach for answering drug information request. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Solve different drug information requests based on the appropriate evidence-based approach and reliable resources b.2. Judge credible and reliable drug information resources, particularly among internet-based information c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Detect the different types of study designs and their rationale c.2. Apply critical thinking skills to provide the information to the requester accurately, efficiently and in a reasonable length of time. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Verify the information from different sources to improve professional competencies. d.2. Develop professional counselling and education skills d.3. Follow the updated information and continuous self-development d.4. Express the cooperative team work skill and appropriate decision making


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15Drug information resources

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