Software Component Design

  • Computing & Information Technology |
  • English


This course deals with the design and implementation of software subsystems. The concept of design patterns is introduced, and common patterns are applied to the development of software components. Laboratory projects provide an opportunity for teams of students to implement components and to inte-grate them into complete systems. It introduces the use of Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE).


Software Engineering Program.


  • 1. Understand and apply object-oriented design patterns.
    2. Understand the use of UML in the design process.
    3. Design and implement small software components and systems.
    4. Use computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools in the design process
    5. Perform research on software design patterns.
    6. Document software design concepts in a written report.
    7. Communicate software design concepts in a brief oral presentation


J. M. Smith, Elemental Design Patterns, Addison Wesley

Course Content

content serial Description
1Revision of Object-Oriented principles
2Introduction to pattern design
3Singleton, Factory, and Abstract Factory Design Pattern
4Builder and Prototype Design patterns
5Adapter and Bridge Design patterns
6Composite, Decorator and Façade Design Patterns
77th Week Exam
8Proxy, Chain of responsibility
9Command and Interpreter Design Patterns
10Observer, Strategy and Template Design pattern
11Visitor and Data Access Object Design pattern
12Component-based software architecture
13Principles of Component-Based Design
14Project Presentations and Demo
16Final Exam

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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