Writing for Radio and Television

  • College of Language and Communication |
  • English


Intended Learning Outcomes 1.Knowledge and Understanding By the end of this course students should be able to: 1-1 Identify audio and video reporting techniques. 1-2 Recognize the basics of preparing and writing radio and television programs. 1-3 Explain different patterns of writing for radio and TV. 1-4 Identify the different stages of radio &TV production starting from choosing ideas and writing scripts and preparation. 1-5 Recognize the fundamentals of news writing in radio and TV. 1-6 Explain the steps of planning for writing package. 1-7 identify the basics of feature writing for radio and TV 1-8 Determine the essentials of foreign reporting 1-9 explain the structure of story board 1-10 determine the basics of script writing 1-11 mention the types of script writing 1-12 explain the guidelines of script writing 2.Intellectual Skills By the end of this course students should be able to: 2-1 Practice how Writing For Radio and Television is set 2-2Select appropriate guests for the report. 2-3Evaluate the effectiveness of audio and video reports. 2-4 Plan for the production of radio and television. 2-5 Analyze current events in writing for radio and TV. 2-6 Suggest new ideas for radio and television programs and propose new formats. 2-7 Plan for writing the storyboard. 3. Professional and Practical skills By the end of this course students should be able to: 3-1 Write radio and television scripts. 3-2 Practice professional audio and video interviews. 3-3 Employ narration techniques. 3-4Create audio reports using different formats such as field reporting, commentaries, and narrative pieces. 3-5 Employ interviewing skills. 3-6 Practice voice training. 3-7Apply the rules of the Arabic and English language in the writing for radio and television. 4. General and Transferable skills By the end of this course students should be able to: 4-1 Enhance teamwork and time management skills. 4-2create stories about current economic, social, and political events. 4-3 Apply practical and professional problem solving. 4-4 Improve presentations and writing skills 4-5 Deal efficiently with sources of information.




  • This course provides an overview of: writing radio and TV scripts, conducting interviews, using the audio mixer and editing software, being able to narrate clearly, and differentiating between writing for radio and writing for television.


Gary Hudson & Sarah Rowlands , Broadcast Journalism , 2016

Course Content

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