Advanced Physics

  • Information Systems |
  • English


The course is an advanced level physics course that gives the student the chance to absorb waves with its various properties of reflection, refraction, diffraction, attenuation, resonance, superposition and standing waves. It also allows a hand-on experience with the nature of light through experiments that would help students realize concepts such as blackbody radiation, X-rays and LASERs.


IS -144 CRs


  • 1. Understand the essential background of wave motion.
    2. Make several experiments to absorb the nature of light.
    3. Write technical reports and results.
    4. Realize the concepts of relativity.


John D. Cutnell, Kenneth W. Johnson, David Young, Shane Stadler, Introduction to Physics, Wiley.

Course Content

content serial Description
3Energy Transfer Mechanisms
6Images Formation
77th Week Exam
8Images Formation
9Wave Optics
10Introduction to Quantum Physics
11Introduction to Quantum Physics
1212th Week Exam
13Atomic Physics
14Atomic Physics
16Final Examination

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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