- Degree Master
- Code: MT753
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites:
Introduction to Maps and nautical Charts: The history and development of maps and charts, the use and layout of a map, purpose of the nautical chart, the map versus the nautical chart, schematic layout of a nautical chart. Design issues for maps and nautical charts: map projections and scales, considerations for map use (Mapmaker & user perspective), considerations for nautical chart use (chartmaker & user perspective), Horizontal and vertical datum issues in maps, Horizontal and vertical datum issues nautical charts. Topographic Surveying for Maps: Planning a topogratic survey, position determination, height determination, height determination, topographic data processing and presentation. Hydrographic Surveying for Nautical Charts: Planning a hydrographic survey, hydrographic positioning, hydrographic depth measurement, tidal and current measurements, hydrographic data processing and presentation. Map and Nautical Charts Projections: classification and characteristics of map projections, Theory of distortions in map projections (distances, angels, areas), azimuthally, equipment, equivalent and conformal map projections, Azimuthal, equidistant, equivalent and conformal map projections, some popular map projections in use worldwide. Topographic& Hydrographic Information Displays on Maps& Nautical Charts: Natural features in maps and charts, elevation representation of Topography and sea bed reliefs, elevation representation of topography and sea bed reliefs, other feature representation on maps and nautical chart. Navigation Aids and Landmarks Representation on a Nautical Chart: Lights, Buoys, fog signals, day beacons, and ranges, landmarks for in coastal navigation. The electronic chart display (ECDIS).
Advanced Navigation Program
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