Legal aspects arts and entertainment

  • Media Management |
  • English


The course is an introduction to the roles, responsibilities and practice considerations of legal counsel in the media and entertainment industry through study of fundamental transactions in key industry sectors –motion pictures, television, music, theatre and book publishing. Students will familiarize themselves with the relevance of case law, statutes and regulations, collective bargaining agreements and industry customs to the “business of entertainment” through the analysis of text materials, representative contracts, and additional print andonline resources.


Media Management


  • By the end of the course, students will be able to:rn- better understand legal issues in business dealings in the media, arts and entertainment industries.rn- recognize where legal problems may arise. rn- Course work includes readings and lectures relating to copyright and other intellectual property rights, contracts, licensing agreements, first amendment issues, agency agreements, and the formation of partnerships and corporations. rn


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Overview and Constitutional/Statutory UnderpinningsrnIntroduction to Entertainment Law Copyright Fundamentalsrn
2The Law of Ideas, Personality, Privacy, Publicity, Fair Use and Unfair Competition
3Entertainment Industry Transactions: Contract Principles and Negotiation
4Movies and TV: Rights (Books, Screenplays, Life Stories) and Writers.
5Movies and TV: Financing & Distribution of Motion Pictures and TV Programming
6Music: Band, Recording and Music Publishing Agreements.
77th exam
8Book Publishing: Author/Publisher Agreements.
9Theatre: Production Agreements for small and large budget productions
10Industry Economics and the Law: Defining, Auditing and Enforcing “Profit Participation”
11Labor, Employment and Regulatory Issues: The s of creative artist guilds and unions, corporate trade associations
1212th exam- discussion of term papers
13Client Risk ManagementrnDispute Resolution in the Entertainment Industryrn
14Law and New Media TechnologiesrnChallenges of the Digital Age: Digital challenges (file sharing, piracy, etc.) in the Film and Musicrn
15Industries. Drafting contracts for the future.rnRepresentation in the Entertainment Lawyers, Managers and Agents: Roles and responsibilities of representatives in the entertainment industries. Special ethical considerations inherent in the representation of creative talent industryrn
16Final Exam: Open book final exam requiring essay (short and long) responses to questions relating to subjects introduced during the term (hypothetical transactions, contract analysis and deal “structuring”)

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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