Arabic Language3*

  • College of Language and Communication |
  • English


1. Enlightening the student of the most common mistakes among the educated sons of Arabic. 2. Raising the student's recitation efficiency, and the ability to perform expressive vocal. 3. Freedom from the constraints of the vernacular, by distinguishing between what is colloquial and what is eloquent. 4. Employing the Arabic language to build media texts, such as television dramas, theatrical texts that were presented on stage, radio news bulletins, as well as enlightening the student on how to write the article.


Media Dep.


  • Directing the student to the importance of distinguishing Arabic structures and styles, and how to employ them and improve the student's expressive energy.


1ـ (المهارات اللغوية والأدبية 3) تأليف: د/ محمد نادر عبد الحكيم ، د/ سلمى إبراهيم عكو، دار النشر الهاني للطباعـــــــــــــــــةجامعة القاهرة، الطبعة الثالثة 2ـ لغة الخطاب الإعلامي في ضوء نظرية الاتصال دراسة أسلوبية لغوية في نشرات الأخبار الإذاعية تأليف: د/ محمد نادر عبد الحكيم، دار الفكر العربي، القاهرة، 2006م

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  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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