Strategic Planning for IS

  • College of Computing & Information Technology |
  • English


This course examines the role of information systems in assisting achievement of corporate systems objectives, and to consider methods and scientific techniques for strategic and tactical planning of in-formation systems. The course will identify central information systems issues and problems, assess information technology systems as competitive tools; and apply methods for IS strategic analysis. The course explains the phases of planning for information systems to assist in establishing infor-mation technology policy.


Information Systems Program


  • 1. Demonstrate conceptual skills integrating previously learned aspects of business and IS.
    2. Develop a framework of analysis to identify central IS issues and problems in complex business situations.
    3. Participate in developing and implementing a strategic and tactical plan for information systems development.
    4. Assess information technology systems as competitive tools.
    5. Use methods for IS strategic analysis.
    6. Assist in establishing information technology policy.


Cassidy, A., A Practical Guide to Information Systems Strategic Planning. CRC Press

Course Content

content serial Description
1Foundations of IS in Business
2Role of IS/IT to gain Competitive Advantages in Organizations
3Strategic Uses of IS/IT
4IS/IT Planning
5Strategic Planning in Organizations
6IS Governance
77th Week Exam
8Business Planning Techniques
9Business Planning Processes
10The Visioning Phase
11The Analysis Phase
1212th Week Exam
13The Direction Phase
14The Recommendation Phase
16Final Exam

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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