Architectural Design 6

  • Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design |
  • English


This course is taking a contextual architectural design approach which will be achieved through studies of an architectural project related to realistic problems within the urban environment. The strategy of the program guides the students through field surveys, such that students can build a sufficient understanding of environmental, social, historic and economic factors of urban environments. The student is assisted in studying and proposing solutions to problems pertaining to a ed action area. rnrn


Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design (AEED).


  • • Enhance the student with practical skills to deal with the comprehensive design project (CDP) starting from the design of a single building, to a contextual design within a given environment.rn• Provide graduates equipped to analyze and define design parameters and undertake a ed architectural design project comprehensively within an action area applying modern techniques of environmental design (ecological design, green architecture, sustainable building).


Data will be available soon!

Course Content

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Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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