Digital Lighting and Rendering

  • Computing & Information Technology |
  • English


This course is designed to provide the basic knowledge and skills required in the creation of photorealistic still imagery. Emphasis is on a working knowledge of both virtual and real world lighting technologies and the tools necessary to create photorealistic imagery as well as an appreciation for production processes and deadlines. The course also covers algorithms in the field of lighting and rendering and shadow and occlusion algorithms.


Multimedia and Graphics Program.


  • 1.Understand the concepts of shadows and occlusion to develop a knowledge of rendering.
    2.Introduce the basic of theory of light interaction and surfaces with materials.
    3.Understand and implement algorithms in lighting and rendering
    4. Become aware of the physical and virtual technology of lighting.
    5.Understand the vocabulary and computer graphics theory conventions of lighting design.
    6. Become aware with digital lighting and texturing.
    7. Enhance the ability to utilize lighting and shading for storytelling and visual communication.
    8. Be able to create accurate, balanced UVW coordinates, layout descriptive, detailed and interesting textures & normal maps


Jeremy Birn, Digital Lighting and Rendering, New Riders Press.

Course Content

content serial Description
2Lighting Techniques and surface physics Illumination.
3Surface Shading Fundamentals.
4Types of Lighting and Lighting basics
5The Art of coloring.
6Shadows and Occlusion
77th Week Exam
8Designing and Assigning Textures
9Aligning Maps with Models
10Color Models
11Composition and Staging
1212th Week Exam
13Cameras and Exposure
14Tips & Tricks for Shooting Great Textures
16Final exam

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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