Passive Fishing Gear

  • College of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology |
  • English


This course introduces fishing gear classifications, passive fishing gear theory, the basics ofrnnet construction, design, and analysis. Students should be able to identify, design, andrnconstruct various types of entrapment and entanglement gear


Fisheries Technology


  • A. Knowledge and UnderstandingrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to :rn1. Understand the main items of fisheries sectors including fishermen, fishing gearsrnand methods.rn2. Know the principal knowledge of passive fishing methods and principle ofrncapture.rn3. Measure and model the size and species selectivity of fishing gears and methods.rnB. Intellectual SkillsrnThe course provides students with:rn1. Applying the critical thinking skills necessary for the design, construction andrnrepair of various types of gill nets and entanglement gear.rn2. Understand the relationship between selectivity and fishery management.rn3. Know the different catching principles of passive gears.rn4. Knowledge and application the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible,rnInteroperable, Reliable.rnC. Professional and Practical skillsrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to :rn1. Be exposed to the different fishing types and selection of fishing gear design andrnnet yarn repair.rn2. Design passive nets.rn3. Know fishing operations with different passive gears.rn4. Know operational aspects of fisheries.rnD. General and Transferable skillsrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to :rn1. Describe the factors that influence the design of passive fishing gear and methods.rn2. Work in groups and communicate effectively.rn3. Use problem-solving skills.rn


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