Fishing Vessel Maneuvering

  • College of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology |
  • English


The course aims to establish baseline of information & awareness of the principles of vessel maneuvering for cadets and provide the student with the ability & skills for the using the ship’s characteristics during maneuvering. The course also provides The Background Knowledge to Support:rnThe Particular of the ship (ship’s particulars) – The Effect of Maneuvering in different situations (Speed, R.H.P, L.H.P, Squat…) – Sailing in Shallow water – Maneuvering when approaching a pilot vessel or station with due regard to weather, tide head reach and stopping distance – Berthing and unberthing under various conditions of wind and tide, with or without tugs – Anchoring, Lightening at sea – Managing and handling of ships in heavy weather – Determining maneuvering and engine characteristics of major ships types with special reference to stopping


Fisheries Technology


  • A. Knowledge and UnderstandingrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to :rn1. Understand the fundamentals of ship handling to maneuver a power-driven vessel of less than 12 metres in length in various conditions of tide and weather to carry out operations of small commercial vessels in sheltered and inshore waters.rn2. Identify the proper maneuvering procedures in different sea conditions .rn3. Understand the different arrangements required corresponding to different situations at sea B. Intellectual SkillsrnThe course provides students with:rn1. Understand the ship’s particulars and characteristics and use it during ship’s maneuvering.rn2. How to deal with various weather conditions while maneuvering the ship in different situations.rn3. Handling of ships in heavy weather.rn4. Integrate base knowledge and critical thinking to address novel challenges and solutions. C. Professional and Practical skillsrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to :rn1. Know the effects of displacement and planning hulls on the vessel’s ability to maneuver.rn2. The difference between outboard and inboard enginesrn3. The ship’s stopping distance.rn4. Understand the proper procedures of Bridge Team Management at sea. D. General and Transferable skillsrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to:rn1. The ship’s response to rudder movements at varying speedsrn2. Transverse thrust of propeller.rn3. Single propeller and twin propeller propulsion units.rn4. Communicate, interact and work creatively and flexibly with others on board.


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Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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