Navigational Instruments

  • College of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology |
  • English


This course provides information on the generic use of Electronic Systems of Position Fixingrnand Navigation. Its main aims are to increase safety of navigation. It does this by givingrninstruction on the understanding and safe use of such systems. The course based on IMOrnmodel course 7.03, 1.34 and all relevant IMO resolutions and guidelines available at the timernthe course was prepared, to meet the mandatory requirements for knowledge, understandingrnand proficiency in Table A-II/1 of STCW as amended. (Manila, 2010), for the rnNavigation at the Operational Level. This course covers the requirements of the abovernSTCW convention Chapter II, Table A-II/I. these al elements provide the detailedrnknowledge to support the training outcomes related to Navigation at the operational level.


Fisheries Technology


  • A. Knowledge and UnderstandingrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to :rn1. Understand information on the generic and safe use of Electronic Systems ofrnPosition Fixing and Navigation.rn2. Planning and conducting of a passage and for determining position.rn3. Maintaining a safe navigational watch and the use of AIS to maintain safety ofrnnavigation.rnB. Intellectual SkillsrnThe course provides students with:rn1. Identify the limitation of electronic navigation equipment when using them.rn2. Understand the main advantages of electronic navigation system.rn3. The effect of ship trim on the navigation system.rnC. Professional and Practical skillsrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to :rn1. Plan and conduct a passage, including:rn2. Echo-sounders and speed measurement .rn3. Maintain a safe navigational watch (Use of AIS to maintain safety of navigation).rn4. Identify the limitation of electronic navigation systems.rnD. General and Transferable skillsrnAt the end of the course, students should be able to :rn1. Work in groups and communicate effectively .rn2. Use problem-solving skills.rn3. Use of AIS to maintain safety of navigation.


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Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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