Applied Statistics

  • College of International Transport and Logistics |
  • English


1. Compute and interpret the main statistical descriptive measurements and Solve practical probabilistic problems. 2. Distinguish between accreditation periods and carry out statistical supporting tests. 3. Conduct confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. 4. Recommend decisions according to available resources and information. 5. Utilize statistical packages in representing data, calculating estimators, forecasting, data analysis, and decision making. 6. Conduct Research and data analysis to promote innovation and problem solving and Build Confidence intervals and statistical hypotheses are tested to support the decision-making process. 7. Develop computer skills, and relate it to other subjects. 8. Enhance self-learning continuously 9. Conduct statistical conclusions based on logical scientific steps and Explain figures and performance indicators in statistical operations. 10. Develop computer skills, and relate it to other subjects. 11. Enhance self-learning continuously




  • The course aims at providing students with the main statistical concepts, and techniques, clarifying the role of statistics in decision making, and in scientific research. The course would provide students with an introduction to data collection, descriptive measurements, analysis of correlation & regression, normal distribution applications, estimation techniques & Hypothesis testing procedures. That is to be delivered theoretically and practically with the use of SPSS Statistical package (and/or) Microsoft Excel software.


Data will be available soon!

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Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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