Electrical Drives (1)

  • Electrical & Control Engineering |
  • English


Principles of design including elements design, process and/or a system related to specific disciplines. Contemporary engineering topics. Applications of industrial automated systems for electrical and control engineering. Understand the principle and design of power electronic and drive system.


Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Control Engineering


  • Providing detailed skills related to the subject of DC and AC electrical drives. To investigate the different a aspects of DC and AC drives. To study the open closed loop operation of the DC drives. To study the open closed loop operation of the AC drives.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Single phase separately excited DC motor drives.
2Single phase self excited DC motor drives.
3Semi-converter DC drives.
4Full–converter DC drives.
5Dual converter.
6Reversible converter.
77th exam + Closed loop control of DC drives.
8DC chopper drives for DC motors.
9DC chopper drives for DC motors.
10Discontinuous operation of DC chopper drives.
11Induction motor drives, operation & performance.
1212th exam + V and f control of 3-phase induction motor drives.
13Current control of the 3-phase induction motor.
14Closed loop control of induction motor drives.
15Synchronous motor drive.
16Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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