Introduction to Power Engineering

  • Electrical & Control Engineering |
  • English


Concepts and theories of mathematics and sciences, appropriate to the discipline. Principles of design including elements design, process and/or a system related to specific disciplines. Basic power system design concepts for underground, cable tray, grounding, and lighting systems. Design and analysis of power system generation, transmission and distribution.


Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Control Engineering


  • Providing general view about power system elements, overhead transmission lines parameters and constants. In addition, mechanical design of over head transmission lines is studied in order to link the electrical with the mechanical point of view.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Elements of power system.
2Operating voltage choice.
3Parameters of overhead trans. Lines (R & L).
4Parameters of overhead trans. lines (C).
5Representation of O.H.T.L. (1).
6Representation of O.H.T.L. (2).
77th week exam + Representation of O.H.T.L. (3).
8Voltage regulation.
9Corona phenomenon and its calculations.rnrn
10Mechanical Design of O.H.T.L. Sag (1).
11Mechanical Design of O.H.T.L. Sag (2).
1212th week exam + String insulators.
13Types of poles & towers.
14Underground cables (Construction , types).
15Insulation resistance and electric field.
16Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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