Structure of Programming Languages

  • Computing & Information Technology |
  • English


A concise introduction to the essentials of imperative programming languages, focusing on principles rather than specifics, while giving examples from many programming languages. The course also covers fundamental issues in language design. Overview of programming paradigms and type systems. Models of execution control: Order of evaluation of sub-expressions conditional execution iteration exceptions and exception handling. Basic concepts of al programming are also emphasized.


Computer Science


  • 1. Be familiar with several language paradigms
    2. Understand how languages relate to different application domains
    3. Understand the design space of programming languages, including concepts and constructs from past languages as well as those that may be used in the future.
    4. Be able to develop a critical understanding of the programming language we use by being able to identify and compare the same concept as it appears in different languages.


R. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, Addison- Wesley.

Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction to the course
3Describing Syntax and Semantics
4Lexical and Syntax Analysis
5Lexical and Syntax Analysis
6Names, Bindings, Type Checking, and Scopes
77th Week Examination
8Data Types
9Expressions and Assignment Statements
10Statement-Level Control Structures
11Statement-Level Control Structures
1212th Week Examination
16Final Examination

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