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  • The ENACTUS AAST SHERATON won 3rd place, in the annual Enactus competition

The ENACTUS AAST SHERATON won 3rd place, in the annual Enactus competition

The ENACTUS AAST SHERATON won the third place in Egypt after Ain Shams University and Helwan University in the annual Enactus competition for student activity. The team also ranked first in the Orange, Ebank, Juhayna, and Banque du Caire competitions, and ranked second in the Orascom competition, for achieving the participating companies’ goals of sustainable development, entrepreneurship and exporting Egyptian products to global markets.
In collaboration with the scientific research labs at the AASTMT, ENACTUS AAST SHERATON came up with a revolutionary solution based on restoring the soil`s ability to fight salinization through utilizing live bacteria mixed with agricultural waste to enliven the inactive bacteria within Egyptian soil. Through multiple national and international collaborations, ENACTUS AAST SHERATON developed a formula with an efficiency of 87% in restoring salt-damaged lands. This mixture was added back to damaged lands to stimulate the inactive bacteria enriching SDG of life on land.
The efforts of ENACTUS AAST SHERATON were noticed by the Upper Egypt Development Authority, who approached them about implementing their project throughout Upper Egypt after signing an MOU in collaboration with the Egyptian government, aiming toward SDG of Sustainable Cities and Communities.