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  • Logistics summer Camp 2023

Logistics summer Camp 2023

After succession of Logistics summer Camp The College is happy to announce the 2nd round of LOGISTICS SUMMER CAMP, Through various groups of workshops in the field of international transport, supply chains and international trade, in addition to energy and petroleum logistics, with enhancement of information through discussion panels and field visits, where the second day included a visit to Dina farms, factory and knowledge of packaging procedures. The third day was visiting Alexandria Port. At the closing participants were awarded a certificate. CITL offers this summer program for students in National high school, IGCSE, and American diploma. It offers a unique opportunity to dive into the fascinating world of logistics and exploring your Bright future. Certificates will be awarded for participants at LOGISTICS SUMMER CAMP 2032 (round 2) - Duration 4 days from Monday 28th till Thursday 31st August 2023

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Hurry, as spaces are limited, and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

for more info: 01553519022